Izzy Donaldson raises $1,700 for the otters at Clearwater Marine Aquarium

Last year, Izzy, daughter of our own Laura Donaldson, raised $1,705 for the otters at Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA). She had chosen CMA for her 5th grade exhibition project. After raising money through her school project, she overhead her mom talking about organizing a marketing game for the firm at an upcoming environmental conference. Izzy asked if the money raised during this game could be donated to the otters. Doug Manson said yes, but only if Izzy worked the booth alongside her mom. After a very long day, she raised over $1,000 for the otters at the Aquarium.

This year, Izzy once again asked if she could work the marketing game and raise money for the otters at CMA. Doug agreed, and this year he said that MBDV would match the money raised. After three long days at the MBDV booth, Izzy raised $1,225. With the money matched by MBDV, she was able to donate $2450 to CMA over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Great job Izzy! Your mom and all of us at MBDV are proud of you!