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// is what we found any good?
// ==========================
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case ($R.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_aboveHTML)):
case (_differentTargets && (_aboveHTML.split(‘<a ').length < 3) && ($R.measureText__getTextLength(_aboveHTML.replace(/]+?>/gi, ”).replace(/s+/gi, ‘ ‘)) ”); else
// if all else failed, get document title
// ======================================
// loop through pregs
// ==================
for (var i=0, _i=_doc_title_pregs.length; i 1) { break; }
// sort title parts — longer goes higher up — i.e. towards 0
// ================
_doc_title_parts.sort(function (a, b)
switch (true)
case (a.length > b.length): return -1;
case (a.length 1 ? _doc_title_parts[0] : _documentTitle)
+ $R.articleTitleMarker__end
// vars
// ====
$R.debugStuff = [];
$R.debugTimers = [];
// write log
// =========
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switch (true)
case (!(!($ && $
$R.writeLog = function (msg) { $; };
case (!(!($ && $
$R.writeLog = function (msg) { $; };
$R.writeLog = function (msg) {};
// log
// ===
$R.log = function ()
if ($R.debug); else { return; }
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case (_element.tagName.toLowerCase() == ‘onject’):
case (_element.tagName.toLowerCase() == ’embed’):
// asian languages
// ===============
// CJK: Chnese, Japanese, Korean — HAN character set
// length
// ======
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return null;
return arguments.calee(theDocument);
$R.sel.getSelection = function (theWindow)
if (theWindow); else { return null; }
if (‘getSelection’ in theWindow) {
arguments.calee = function (theWindow) {
if (theWindow); else { return null; }
return theWindow.getSelection();
else if (‘selection’ in theWindow.document) {
arguments.calee = function (theWindow) {
if (theWindow); else { return null; }
return theWindow.document.selection;
else {
arguments.calee = function (theWindow) {
return null;
return arguments.calee(theWindow);
$R.sel.getRange = function (selection)
if (selection); else { return null; }
if (‘getRangeAt’ in selection) {
arguments.calee = function (selection) {
if (selection); else { return null; }
if (selection.rangeCount > 0) { return selection.getRangeAt(0); }
else { return null; }
// doesn’t work in old versions of safari
// … I don’t care
else if (‘createRange’ in selection) {
arguments.calee = function (selection) {
if (selection); else { return null; }
return selection.createRange();
else {
arguments.calee = function (selection) {
return null;
return arguments.calee(selection);
$R.sel.getRangeHTML = function (range)
if (range); else { return null; }
if (‘htmlText’ in range) {
arguments.calee = function (range) {
if (range); else { return null; }
return range.htmlText;
else if (‘surroundContents’ in range) {
arguments.calee = function (range) {
if (range); else { return null; }
var dummy = range.commonAncestorContainer.ownerDocument.createElement(“div”);
return dummy.innerHTML;
else {
arguments.calee = function (range) {
return null;
return arguments.calee(range);
$R.sel.getRangeText = function (range)
if (range); else { return null; }
if (‘text’ in range) {
arguments.calee = function (range) {
if (range); else { return null; }
return range.text;
else if (‘surroundContents’ in range) {
arguments.calee = function (range) {
if (range); else { return null; }
var dummy = range.commonAncestorContainer.ownerDocument.createElement(“div”);
return dummy.textContent;
else {
arguments.calee = function (range) {
return null;
// link
// ====
case (_tag_name == ‘a’):
var _href = “”;
try {
_href = _node.href;
} catch(e) {
Evernote.Logger.warn(“Clearly: failed to get href of link element” + e);
// sanity
if (_href > ”); else { break; }
if (_href.indexOf); else { break; }
_result._is__link = true;
// skip
for (var i=0, _i=$R.skipStuffFromDomains__links.length; i -1)
{ _result._is__link_skip = true; break; }
// inside link
if (_global__inside_link); else
_global__inside_link = true;
_global__inside_link__element_index = _result.__index;
// done
// image
// =====
case (_tag_name == ‘img’):
// skip
// ====
if (_node.src && _node.src.indexOf)
for (var i=0, _i=$R.skipStuffFromDomain__images.length; i -1)
{ _result._is__image_skip = true; break; }
// special case for body — if it was just skipped
// =====================
if ((_result.__index == 1) && !(_result._is__candidate))
_result._is__candidate = true;
_result._is__bad = true;
// return
// ======
return _result;
// actually do it
// ==============
// just exploring — return first thing
// ==============
if (_justExploring) { return _return__containers.pop(); }
$R.getContent__processCandidates = function (_candidatesToProcess)
// process this var
// ================
var _candidates = _candidatesToProcess;
// sort _candidates — the lower in the dom, the closer to position 0
// ================
_candidates.sort(function (a, b)
switch (true)
case (a.__index b.__index): return 1;
default: return 0;
// get first
// =========
var _main = _candidates[0]
if ($R.debug) { $R.log(‘should be body’, _main, _main.__node); }
// pieces of text
// and points computation
// ======================
for (var i=0, _i=_candidates.length; i<_i; i++)
// pieces
// ======
_count__pieces = 0,
_array__pieces = []
for (var k=i, _k=_candidates.length; k 0) { continue; }
if ($.contains(_candidates[i].__node, _candidates[k].__node)); else { continue; }
// store piece, if in debug mode
if ($R.debug) { _array__pieces.push(_candidates[k]); }
// sort _candidates — the more points, the closer to position 0
// ================
_candidates.sort(function (a, b)
switch (true)
case (a.__points > b.__points): return -1;
case (a.__points 250)
// negative
if (_points_history[0] 0)):
case (!($.contains(_main.__node, _element.__node))):
return null;
return _element;
// add main – to amke sure the result is never blank
// sort _candidates — the lower in the dom, the closer to position 0
// ================
_candidates.sort(function (a, b)
switch (true)
case (a.__index b.__index): return 1;
default: return 0;
// second candidate computation
// ============================
for (var i=0, _i=_candidates.length; i 0.05)):
case (!(_candidates[i][‘__candidate_details_second’][‘_ratio__length__plain_text_to_total_plain_text’] > 0.05)):
// sort _candidates — the more points, the closer to position 0
// ================
_candidates.sort(function (a, b)
switch (true)
case (a.__points_second > b.__points_second): return -1;
case (a.__points_second < b.__points_second): return 1;
default: return 0;
// return
// ======
return _candidates;
$R.getContent__computeDetailsForCandidateSecond = function (_e, _main)
var _r = {};
// bad candidate
// =============
if (_e._is__bad) { return _r; }
// total text
// ==========
_r['_ratio__length__plain_text_to_total_plain_text'] = (_e._length__plain_text / _main._length__plain_text);
_r['_ratio__count__plain_words_to_total_plain_words'] = (_e._count__plain_words / _main._count__plain_words);
// hidden
// ======
if ($R.parsingOptions._elements_visible.indexOf(‘|’+_tag_name+’|’) > -1)
// included inline
// _node, _tag_name must be defined
// will return, if node is hidden
switch (true)
case (_node.offsetWidth > 0):
case (_node.offsetHeight > 0):
switch (true)
case (_node.offsetLeft > 0):
case (_node.offsetTop > 0):
// exclude inline DIVs — which, stupidly, don’t have a width/height
if ((_tag_name == ‘div’) && (( || $.css( _node, “display” )) == ‘inline’))
{ break; }
// above target
// ============
if (_custom_mode == ‘above-the-target’)
// is ignored?
if ($R.parsingOptions._elements_above_target_ignore.indexOf(‘|’+_tag_name+’|’) > -1)
{ $R.debugOutline(_node, ‘clean-before’, ‘above-target’); return; }
// is image?
if (_tag_name == ‘img’)
_explored = (_explored || $R.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_node, true));
if (_explored._is__image_large); else
{ $R.debugOutline(_node, ‘clean-before’, ‘above-target’); return; }
// has too many links?
//if (_node.getElementsByTagName && _node.getElementsByTagName(‘a’).length > 5)
// { $R.debugOutline(_node, ‘clean-before’, ‘above-target’); return; }
// headers that are images
// =======================
if (_tag_name.match(/^h(1|2|3|4|5|6)$/gi))
_explored = (_explored || $R.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_node, true));
switch (true)
case ((_explored._length__plain_text 0)):
$R.debugOutline(_node, ‘clean-before’, ‘skip-heading’);
// start tag
// =========
if ($R.parsingOptions._elements_ignore_tag.indexOf(‘|’+_tag_name+’|’) > -1); else
/* mark */ _pos__start__before = _global__the_html.length;
/* add */ _global__the_html += ‘<'+_tag_name;
// attributes
// ==========
// allowed attributes
// ==================
if (_tag_name in $R.parsingOptions._elements_keep_attributes)
for (var i=0, _i=$R.parsingOptions._elements_keep_attributes[_tag_name].length; i ”)
{ _global__the_html += ‘ ‘+_attribute_name+’=”‘+(_attribute_value)+'”‘; }
// keep ID for all elements
// ========================
var _id_attribute = _node.getAttribute(‘id’);
if (_id_attribute > ”)
{ _global__the_html += ‘ id=”‘+_id_attribute+'”‘; }
// links target NEW
// ================
if (_tag_name == ‘a’)
{ _global__the_html += ‘ target=”_blank”‘; }
// close start
// ===========
if ($R.parsingOptions._elements_self_closing.indexOf(‘|’+_tag_name+’|’) > -1) { _global__the_html += ‘ />’; }
else { _global__the_html += ‘>’;}
/* mark */ _pos__start__after = _global__the_html.length;
// child nodes
// ===========
if ($R.parsingOptions._elements_self_closing.indexOf(‘|’+_tag_name+’|’) > -1); else
for (var i=0, _i=_node.childNodes.length; i -1)):
case (($R.parsingOptions._elements_self_closing.indexOf(‘|’+_tag_name+’|’) > -1)):
/* mark */ _pos__end__before = _global__the_html.length;
/* mark */ _pos__end__after = _global__the_html.length;
/* mark */ _pos__end__before = _global__the_html.length;
/* end */ _global__the_html += ”;
/* mark */ _pos__end__after = _global__the_html.length;
// clean — after
// =====
// we need to actually cut things out of
// “_global__the_html”, for stuff to not be there
// actually do it
// return html
return _global__the_html;
// article title marker
// ====================
$R.articleTitleMarker__start = ‘
$R.articleTitleMarker__end = ‘
// article title check function
// ============================
$R.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML = function (_html)
return (_html.substr(0, $R.articleTitleMarker__start.length) == $R.articleTitleMarker__start);
// article title get function
// ============================
$R.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML = function (_html)
// is it there?
if ($R.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_html)); else { return ”; }
// regex
_getTitleRegex = new RegExp($R.articleTitleMarker__start + ‘(.*?)’ + $R.articleTitleMarker__end, ‘i’),
_getTitleMatch = _html.match(_getTitleRegex)
// match?
if (_getTitleMatch); else { return ”; }
// return
return _getTitleMatch[1];
// find title in arbitrary html
// ============================
$R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML = function (_html, _document_title)
// can’t just use (h1|h2|h3|etc) — we want to try them in a certain order
// =============================
_heading_pregs = [
_secondary_headings = ‘|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|’,
_search_document_title = ‘ ‘ + _document_title.replace(/]+?>/gi, ”).replace(/s+/gi, ‘ ‘) + ‘ ‘
// loop pregs
// ==========
for (var i=0, _i=_heading_pregs.length; i -1)):
// will continue loop
// return?
switch (true)
case (!(_heading_length > 5)):
case (!(_heading_length < (65 * 3))):
case (!(_to_heading_length -1)):
// words in this heading
_heading_words = _heading_text_plain.split(‘ ‘);
// count words present in title
for (var j=0, _j=_heading_words.length, _matched_words=”; j -1) {
_matched_words += _heading_words[j] + ‘ ‘;
// break continues for loop
// nothing goes to switch’s default
// ================================
// no break?
var _no_break = false;
switch (true)
// if it’s big enough, and it’s a substring of the title, it’s good
case ((_heading_length > 20) && (_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) > -1)):
// if it’s slightly smaler, but is exactly at the begging or the end
case ((_heading_length > 10) && ((_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) == 1) || (_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) == (_search_document_title.length – 1 – _heading_text_plain.length)))):
_no_break = true;
// break?
var _break = false;
switch (true)
// no break?
case (_no_break):
// heading too long? — if not h2
case ((_heading_length > ((_search_document_title.length – 2) * 2)) && (_heading_type != ‘h2’)):
// heading long enough?
case ((_heading_length < Math.ceil((_search_document_title.length – 2) * 0.50))):
// enough words matched?
case ((_heading_length < 25) && (_matched_words.length < Math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.75))):
case ((_heading_length < 50) && (_matched_words.length < Math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.65))):
case ((_matched_words.length ” ? $R.document.title : ”)
// get title
// =========
// has title already?
_foundHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, _documentTitle);
$R.articleTitle = $R.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML(_foundHTML);
$R.debugPrint(‘TitleSource’, ‘target’);
// get html above?
if ($R.articleTitle > ”); else
// get html above target?
// ======================
// is what we found any good?
// ==========================
switch (true)
case ($R.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_aboveHTML)):
case (_differentTargets && (_aboveHTML.split(‘<a ').length < 3) && ($R.measureText__getTextLength(_aboveHTML.replace(/]+?>/gi, ”).replace(/s+/gi, ‘ ‘)) ”); else
// if all else failed, get document title
// ======================================
// loop through pregs
// ==================
for (var i=0, _i=_doc_title_pregs.length; i 1) { break; }
// sort title parts — longer goes higher up — i.e. towards 0
// ================
_doc_title_parts.sort(function (a, b)
switch (true)
case (a.length > b.length): return -1;
case (a.length 1 ? _doc_title_parts[0] : _documentTitle)
+ $R.articleTitleMarker__end
// debug
if ($R.debug)
// debug first candidates
$R.log(‘First 5 Main Candidates:’);
for (var x in _processedCandidates)
if (x == 5) { break; }
$R.log(_processedCandidates[x], _processedCandidates[x].__node);
// highlight first
$R.debugOutline(_firstCandidate.__node, ‘target’, ‘first’);
// in case we stop
$R.debugPrint(‘Target’, ‘first’);
// do second?
switch (true)
case (!(_firstCandidate._count__containers > 0)):
case (!(_firstCandidate._count__candidates > 0)):
case (!(_firstCandidate._count__pieces > 0)):
case (!(_firstCandidate._count__containers > 25)):
var _processedCandidatesSecond = $R.getContent__processCandidatesSecond(_processedCandidates);
_secondCandidate = _processedCandidatesSecond[0];
$R.debugPrint(‘ProcessSecond’, $R.debugTimerEnd()+’ms’);
// they’re the same
if (_firstCandidate.__node == _secondCandidate.__node) { break; }
// debug
if ($R.debug)
// log second candidates
$R.log(‘First 5 Second Candidates:’);
for (var x in _processedCandidatesSecond)
if (x == 5) { break; }
$R.log(_processedCandidatesSecond[x], _processedCandidatesSecond[x].__node);
// highlight second
$R.debugOutline(_secondCandidate.__node, ‘target’, ‘second’);
var _caption2 = ”;
for (var i=0, _i=_caption.length, _code=0; i 127 ? (‘&#’+_code+’;’) : _caption.charAt(i));
_caption = _caption2;
switch (true)
case (!(_href > ”)):
case (_mainPageHref.length > _href.length):
case (_mainPageDomain != $R.getURLDomain(_href)):
case (_href.substr(_mainPageHref.length).substr(0, 1) == ‘#’):
case (_distance > Math.ceil(_distanceFactor * _path.length)):
return null;
// skip if already loaded as next page
for (var i=0, _i=$R.nextPage__loadedPages.length; i<_i; i++)
{ if ($R.nextPage__loadedPages[i] == _href) { return null; } }
// sort — the less points, the closer to position 0
// ====
_links.sort(function (a, b)
switch (true)
case (a._distance b._distance): return 1;
default: return 0;
// return
return _links;
// load to frame
// =============
$R.getContent__nextPage__loadToFrame = function (_pageNr, _nextPageURL)
// do ajax
// =======
‘url’ : _nextPageURL,
+ ‘ if (document.readyState); else { __this_page_loaded(); } ‘
+ ‘ function __this_page_loaded_ready(delayedNrTimes)’
+ ‘ {‘
+ ‘ if (document.readyState != “complete” && delayedNrTimes ‘ ; // get html // ======== var _html = _response; // normalize // ========= _html = _html.replace(/<s+/gi, ‘<‘); _html = _html.replace(/s+>/gi, ‘>’); _html = _html.replace(/s+/>/gi, ‘/>’); // remove // ====== _html = _html.replace(/<script[^>]*?>([sS]*?)</script>/gi, ”); _html = _html.replace(/<script[^>]*?/>/gi, ”); _html = _html.replace(/<noscript[^>]*?>([sS]*?)</noscript>/gi, ”); _html = _html.replace(/<onload=”*?” id=”nextPageFrame__’+_pageNr+'” ‘=”” +=”” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” ‘<iframe’=”” $r.$nextpages.append(”=”” ==”==============” frame=”” append=”” body’);=”” _script+'<=”” _html=”_html.replace(/</body/i,” handler=”” load=”” add=”” ”);=”” gi,=””>’ ); // write to frame // ============== var _doc = $(‘#nextPageFrame__’+_pageNr).contents().get(0);; _doc.write(_html); _doc.close(); }; // loaded in frame // =============== $R.getContent__nextPage__loadedInFrame = function (_pageNr, _pageWindow) { // find // ==== var _found = $R.getContent__findInPage(_pageWindow), _foundHTML = _found._html, _removeTitleRegex = new RegExp($R.articleTitleMarker__start + ‘(.*?)’ + $R.articleTitleMarker__end, ‘i’) ; // get first fragment // ================== var _firstFragment = $R.getContent__nextPage__getFirstFragment(_foundHTML); // gets first 2000 characters // diff set at 100 — 0.05 switch (true) { case ($R.levenshteinDistance(_firstFragment, $R.nextPage__firstFragment__firstPage) < 100): case ($R.levenshteinDistance(_firstFragment, $R.nextPage__firstFragment__lastPage) < 100): // mark $R.debugPrint(‘NextPage’, ‘false’); // mark again if ($R.debug) { $(‘#debugOutput__value__NextPage’).html(‘false’); } // pop page $R.nextPage__loadedPages.pop(); // break return false; default: // add to first fragemnts $R.nextPage__firstFragment__lastPage = _firstFragment; break; } // remove title — do it twice // ============ // once with document title _foundHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, ($R.document.title > ” ? $R.document.title : ”)); _foundHTML = _foundHTML.replace(_removeTitleRegex, ”); // once with article title _foundHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, $R.articleTitle); _foundHTML = _foundHTML.replace(_removeTitleRegex, ”); // display // ======= $R.displayPageHTML(_foundHTML, _pageNr, _pageWindow.location.href); // next // ==== $R.getContent__nextPage__find(_pageWindow, _found._links); }; // rewrites // ======== // rewrite displayPageHTML — for multi-page articles // ======================= $R.displayPageHTML = function (_processedPageHTML, _pageNr, _pageURL) { // skip first if (_pageNr > 1); else { return; } // push to pages $C._nextPages.push({ ‘_html’: _processedPageHTML, ‘_url’: _pageURL }); }; // rewrite makeRTL — for right-to-left pages // =============== $R.makeRTL = function () { $R.rtl = true; }; $R.makeNotRTL = function () { $R.rtl = false; } // set component object // ==================== window.ClearlyComponent = $C; window.$readable = $R; }// <![CDATA[
Public Domain.
This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify
and parse.
JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space)
value any JavaScript value, usually an object or array.
replacer an optional parameter that determines how object
values are stringified for objects. It can be a
function or an array of strings.
space an optional parameter that specifies the indentation
of nested structures. If it is omitted, the text will
be packed without extra whitespace. If it is a number,
it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each
level. If it is a string (such as 't' or ' '),
it contains the characters used to indent at each level.
This method produces a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
When an object value is found, if the object contains a toJSON
method, its toJSON method will be called and the result will be
stringified. A toJSON method does not serialize: it returns the
value represented by the name/value pair that should be serialized,
or undefined if nothing should be serialized. The toJSON method
will be passed the key associated with the value, and this will be
bound to the object holding the key.
For example, this would serialize Dates as ISO strings.
Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
You can provide an optional replacer method. It will be passed the
key and value of each member, with this bound to the containing
object. The value that is returned from your method will be
serialized. If your method returns undefined, then the member will
be excluded from the serialization.
If the replacer parameter is an array of strings, then it will be
used to select the members to be serialized. It filters the results
such that only members with keys listed in the replacer array are
Values that do not have JSON representations, such as undefined or
functions, will not be serialized. Such values in objects will be
dropped; in arrays they will be replaced with null. You can use
a replacer function to replace those with JSON values.
JSON.stringify(undefined) returns undefined.
The optional space parameter produces a stringification of the
value that is filled with line breaks and indentation to make it
easier to read.
If the space parameter is a non-empty string, then that string will
be used for indentation. If the space parameter is a number, then
the indentation will be that many spaces.
text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}]);
// text is '["e",{"pluribus":"unum"}]'
text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}], null, 't');
// text is '[nt"e",nt{ntt"pluribus": "unum"nt}n]'
text = JSON.stringify([new Date()], function (key, value) {
return this[key] instanceof Date ?
'Date(' + this[key] + ')' : value;
// text is '["Date(—current time—)"]'
JSON.parse(text, reviver)
This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or array.
It can throw a SyntaxError exception.
The optional reviver parameter is a function that can filter and
transform the results. It receives each of the keys and values,
and its return value is used instead of the original value.
If it returns what it received, then the structure is not modified.
If it returns undefined then the member is deleted.
// Parse the text. Values that look like ISO date strings will
// be converted to Date objects.
myData = JSON.parse(text, function (key, value) {
var a;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
a =
if (a) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(+a[1], +a[2] – 1, +a[3], +a[4],
+a[5], +a[6]));
return value;
myData = JSON.parse('["Date(09/09/2001)"]', function (key, value) {
var d;
if (typeof value === 'string' &&
value.slice(0, 5) === 'Date(' &&
value.slice(-1) === ')') {
d = new Date(value.slice(5, -1));
if (d) {
return d;
return value;
This is a reference implementation. You are free to copy, modify, or
This code should be minified before deployment.
var cx = /[u0000u00adu0600-u0604u070fu17b4u17b5u200c-u200fu2028-u202fu2060-u206fufeffufff0-uffff]/g,
escapable = /[\"x00-x1fx7f-x9fu00adu0600-u0604u070fu17b4u17b5u200c-u200fu2028-u202fu2060-u206fufeffufff0-uffff]/g,
meta = { // table of character substitutions
'b': '\b',
't': '\t',
'n': '\n',
'f': '\f',
'r': '\r',
'"' : '\"',
'\': '\\'
function quote(string) {
// If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
// backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it.
// Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape
// sequences.
escapable.lastIndex = 0;
return escapable.test(string) ?
'"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) {
var c = meta[a];
return typeof c === 'string' ? c :
'\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
}) + '"' :
'"' + string + '"';
function str(key, holder) {
// Produce a string from holder[key].
var i, // The loop counter.
k, // The member key.
v, // The member value.
mind = gap,
value = holder[key];
// If the value has a toJSON method, call it to obtain a replacement value.
if (value && typeof value === 'object' &&
typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
value = value.toJSON(key);
// If we were called with a replacer function, then call the replacer to
// obtain a replacement value.
if (typeof rep === 'function') {
value =, key, value);
// What happens next depends on the value's type.
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return quote(value);
case 'number':
// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
case 'boolean':
case 'null':
// If the value is a boolean or null, convert it to a string. Note:
// typeof null does not produce 'null'. The case is included here in
// the remote chance that this gets fixed someday.
return String(value);
// If the type is 'object', we might be dealing with an object or an array or
// null.
case 'object':
// Due to a specification blunder in ECMAScript, typeof null is 'object',
// so watch out for that case.
if (!value) {
return 'null';
// Make an array to hold the partial results of stringifying this object value.
gap += indent;
partial = [];
// Is the value an array?
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
// The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder
// for non-JSON values.
length = value.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
// Join all of the elements together, separated with commas, and wrap them in
// brackets.
v = partial.length === 0 ? '[]' :
gap ? '[n' + gap +
partial.join(',n' + gap) + 'n' +
mind + ']' :
'[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
gap = mind;
return v;
// If the replacer is an array, use it to select the members to be stringified.
if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
length = rep.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
k = rep[i];
if (typeof k === 'string') {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
} else {
// Otherwise, iterate through all of the keys in the object.
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
// Join all of the member texts together, separated with commas,
// and wrap them in braces.
v = partial.length === 0 ? '{}' :
gap ? '{n' + gap + partial.join(',n' + gap) + 'n' +
mind + '}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
gap = mind;
return v;
// If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one.
if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') {
JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) {
// The stringify method takes a value and an optional replacer, and an optional
// space parameter, and returns a JSON text. The replacer can be a function
// that can replace values, or an array of strings that will select the keys.
// A default replacer method can be provided. Use of the space parameter can
// produce text that is more easily readable.
var i;
gap = '';
indent = '';
// If the space parameter is a number, make an indent string containing that
// many spaces.
if (typeof space === 'number') {
for (i = 0; i // <![CDATA[
// HTML5 placeholder plugin version 1.01
// Copyright (c) 2010-The End of Time, Mike Taylor,
// MIT Licensed:
// Enables cross-browser HTML5 placeholder for inputs, by first testing
// for a native implementation before building one.
//feature detection
var hasPlaceholder = ‘placeholder’ in document.createElement(‘input’);
//sniffy sniff sniff — just to give extra left padding for the older
//graphics for type=email and type=url
var isOldOpera = $.browser.opera && $.browser.version < 10.5;
$.fn.placeholder = function(options) {
//merge in passed in options, if any
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.placeholder.defaults, options),
//cache the original 'left' value, for use by Opera later
o_left = options.placeholderCSS.left;
//first test for native placeholder support before continuing
//feature detection inspired by ye olde jquery 1.4 hawtness, with paul irish
return (hasPlaceholder) ? this : this.each(function() {
//local vars
var $this = $(this),
inputVal = $.trim($this.val()),
inputWidth = $this.width(),
inputHeight = $this.height(),
//grab the inputs id for the
//stuff in some calculated values into the placeholderCSS object
options.placeholderCSS[‘width’] = inputWidth;
options.placeholderCSS[‘height’] = inputHeight;
//hide placeholder on focus
//show placeholder if the input is empty
if (!$.trim($this.val())){
//expose defaults
$.fn.placeholder.defaults = {
//you can pass in a custom wrapper
inputWrapper: ‘
placeholderText: null,
//more or less just emulating what webkit does here
//tweak to your hearts content
placeholderCSS: {
‘font’:’0.75em sans-serif’,
‘position’: ‘absolute’,
‘overflow’: ‘hidden’
// ]]>// 0 ) {
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Found selection by win.getSelection()”);
hasSelection = true;
else if ( win.selection && typeof win.selection.createRange == ‘function’ ) {
sel = win.selection.createRange();
if ( win.selection.type == ‘Text’ && typeof sel.htmlText == ‘string’ && sel.htmlText.length > 0 ) {
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Found selection by win.selection”);
hasSelection = true;
else if ( doc.selection && (typeof doc.selection.createRange == ‘function’ || typeof doc.selection.createRange == ‘object’) ) {
sel = doc.selection.createRange();
if(doc.selection.type == “None”)
sel = undefined;
if ( (doc.selection.type == ‘Text’) && (typeof sel.htmlText == ‘string’) && (sel.htmlText.length > 0) ) {
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Found selection by doc.selection”);
hasSelection = true;
if ( sel && !hasSelection && deep ) {
var nestedDocs = Evernote.Utils.getNestedDocuments( doc );
for ( var i = 0; i 0 ) {
return framedSel;
//if do not find any selection in document, try to find selection in HTMLTextArea|Input.
//Get Selection object for TextArea, and set selection as a Range object
Evernote.Logger.debug( “Check selection in INPUT TEXT area (input, textarea), for active element :” + doc.activeElement.nodeName );
var activeEl = doc.activeElement;
if ( activeEl && ( (window.HTMLInputElement && (activeEl instanceof window.HTMLInputElement && activeEl.type == “text”)) || ( window.HTMLTextAreaElement && (activeEl instanceof window.HTMLTextAreaElement)) ) ) {
if ( activeEl.selectionStart != activeEl.selectionEnd ) {
var range = doc.createRange();
var textNode = doc.createTextNode( activeEl.value );
return {
document : doc,
selection : sel
} catch(e) {
Evernote.Logger.error(“Failed to find selection on the page due to error ” + e);
//Do not throw exception here, it is better to not show error to user and allow to clip article or something else.
return {
document: doc,
selection: null
// ]]>// <![CDATA[
Evernote.JSSerializer = {
_selectionFinder : new Evernote.SelectionFinder(window.document),
serialize : function( element, fullPage ) {
try {
var start = new Date().getTime();
var root = element || document.body.parentNode || document.body;
var serializer = new Evernote.NodeSerializer( window, new Evernote.ClipFullStylingStrategy() );
var parser = new Evernote.DomParser( window, null );
parser.parse( root, fullPage ? true: false, serializer);
var end = new Date().getTime();
Evernote.Logger.debug( "Clip.clipFullPage(): clipped body in " + (end – start) + " milliseconds" );
var images = [];
var imageUrls = serializer.getImagesUrls();
var serializer = new Evernote.NodeSerializer( window, new Evernote.ClipFullStylingStrategy() );
var parser = new Evernote.DomParser(window, Evernote.Utils.fixIERangeObject(range));
parser.parse( ancestor, false, serializer );
var end = new Date().getTime();
Evernote.Logger.debug( "JSSerializer.serializeSelection(): clipped selection in " + (end – start) + " milliseconds" );
var images = [];
var imageUrls = serializer.getImagesUrls();
// We keep a record of what we're currently showing (at least in some cases) so that we can update it in case the
// state of the page changes (like if the user scrolls).
var currentlyShownRect = null;
var currentRectOffsetTop = 0;
var currentRectOffsetLeft = 0;
var currentlyStatic = false;
// Makes a rectangle bigger in all directions by the number of pixels specified (or smaller, if 'amount' is
// negative). Returns the new rectangle.
function expandRect(rect, amount) {
return {
top: ( – amount),
left: (rect.left – amount),
bottom: (rect.bottom + amount),
right: (rect.right + amount),
width: (rect.width + (2 * amount)),
height: (rect.height + (2 * amount))
function scrollToRect(rect) {
var sLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
var sTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var left = rect.left – (Evernote.Utils.innerWidth() / 2) + sLeft;
var top = – (Evernote.Utils.innerHeight() / 2) + sTop;
scroller.scrollTo( { x: left, y: top }, 120, 20 );
// DrawStroke is obsolete, it is now always "true".
function revealRect(rect, drawStroke, staticView) {
// Save this info.
currentlyShownRect = rect;
currentRectOffsetTop = Evernote.Utils.scrollTop();
currentRectOffsetLeft = Evernote.Utils.scrollLeft();
currentlyStatic = staticView;
// We expand the rectangle for two reasons.
// 1) we want to expand it by the width of the stroke, so that when we draw out outline, it doesn't overlap our
// content.
// 2) We want to leave a little extra room around the content for aesthetic reasons.
rect = expandRect(rect, 8);
var x = rect.left;
var y =;
var width = rect.width;
var height = rect.height;
function revealStaticRect(rect, drawStroke) {
revealRect(rect, drawStroke, true);
function outlineElement(element, scrollTo) {
// See notes in Preview.js for why we use this method instead of just calling element.getBoundingClientRect().
if (scrollTo) {
Evernote.Logger.debug(“ContentVeil:scrollIntoViewIfNeeded “);
var rect = Evernote.contentPreviewer.computeDescendantBoundingBox(element);
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Calculated rect ” + rect);
if (rect) {
var mutableRect = {
bottom: rect.bottom,
left: rect.left,
right: rect.right,
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height
// We don’t want to adjust ourselves into odd positions if the page is scrolled.
var sLeft = Evernote.Utils.scrollLeft();
var sTop = Evernote.Utils.scrollTop();
revealRect(mutableRect, true);
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Hide elements embeded”);
hideElements(“embed”, element);
hideElements(“object”, element);
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Hide elements iframe”);
hideElements(“iframe”, element);
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Show it”);
else {
Evernote.Logger.warn(“Couldn’t create rectangle from element: ” + element.toString());
function hideAllActiveObjects() {
function hideElements (tagName, exceptInElement) {
var els = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
els[i].enSavedVisibility = els[i].style.visibility;
els[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
function showElements (tagName, inElement) {
if (!inElement) {
inElement = document;
var els = inElement.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (var i = 0; i // div.comic > img”,
“”: “div.entry-content”,
“”: “div#content”,
“”: “div#pdpMain”,
“”: “section.product_section”,
“”: “div#bizBox”,
“”: “div#photo”,
“”: “div.stage > div.stage-inner”,
“”: “div#mainbar”,
“”: “div#guideMain”,
“”: “div#main”,
“”: “div.image”,
“”: “div.entry”,
“”: “div#content-wrapper”,
“”: “img.comic”,
“”: “img#strip”,
“”: “div#content”
var useFoundImage = [
// These are the items we’re trying to collect. This first block is trivial.
var containsImages = Boolean(document.getElementsByTagName(“img”).length > 0);
var documentWidth = document.width;
var documentHeight = document.height;
var url = document.location.href;
var documentLength = document.body.textContent ? document.body.textContent.length : 0;
// These take slightly more work and are initialized only when requested.
var article = null;
var articleBoundingClientRect = null;
var selection = false; // This is easy to get, but is always “false” at load time until the user selects something.
var selectionIsInFrame = false;
var documentIsFrameset = false;
var selectionFrameElement = null;
var recommendationText = null;
// Internal state variables to keep us duplicating work.
var hasCheckedArticle = false;
// Experimental recognition of ‘image’ pages (like photo sites and comics).
function findImage() {
var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName(“img”);
var biggest = null;
var biggestArea = 0;
for (var i = 0; i biggestArea) {
biggest = imgs[i];
biggestArea = area;
return biggest;
function getAncestors(node) {
var an = [];
while (node) {
node = node.parentNode;
return an;
function getDeepestCommonNode(nodeList1, nodeList2) {
var current = null;
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList1.length; i++) {
if (nodeList1[i] === nodeList2[i]) {
current = nodeList1[i];
else {
return current;
function getCommonAncestor(nodeList) {
if (!nodeList.length) return null;
if (nodeList.length == 1) return nodeList[0];
var lastList = getAncestors(nodeList[0]);
var node = null;
for (var i = 1; i img”);
if (candidate.length > 0) {
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Found article in a single image”);
article = candidate.get(0);
articleBoundingClientRect = Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(article);
// If we still didn’t find an article, let’s see if maybe it’s in a frame. Cleary fails on frames so we try this
// check before we use our clearly info.
if (!article) {
if (document.body.nodeName.toLowerCase() == “frameset”) {
documentIsFrameset = true;
var frame = findBiggestFrame();
if (frame && frame.contentDocument && frame.contentDocument.documentElement) {
selectionFrameElement = frame;
article = frame.contentDocument.documentElement;
articleBoundingClientRect = Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(article);
// If we didn’t use any of our special case handling, we’ll use whatever clearly found.
if (!article) {
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Use clearly find article”);
if (data && data._elements && data._elements.length) {
article = data._elements[0];
if (data._elements.length > 1) {
// This will include *all* clearly elements (and whatever else in in between them).
article = getCommonAncestor(data._elements);
// This includes *just the last (and therefore most important)* element from the clearly detection.
// article = data._elements[data._elements.length – 1];
// If clearly found nothing (because it failed), then use the body of the document.
if (!article) {
article = document.body;
hasCheckedArticle = true;
// This will try and determine the ‘default’ page article. It will only run once per page, but it’s specifically
// called only on demand as it can be expensive.
function findArticle(callback) {
function afterInject() {
// If we’d previously computed an article element, but it’s lost its parent or become invisible, then we’ll try
// and re-compute the article. This can happen if, for example the page dynamically udaptes itself (like showing
// the latest news article in a box that updates periodically). This doesn’t guarantee that we clip something
// sane if this happens, (if the page re-writes itself while a clip is taking place, the results are
// indeterminate), but it will make such things less likely.
if (article &&
(!article.parentNode || !article.getBoundingClientRect || Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(article).width == 0)) {
article = null;
hasCheckedArticle = false;
if (!hasCheckedArticle) {
Evernote.Logger.debug(“no article”);
if (!window || !window.ClearlyComponent)
Evernote.Logger.warn(“Couldn’t find clearly!”);
clearlyCallback(null, callback);
else {
Evernote.Logger.debug(“Call clearly to select article”);
try {
window.ClearlyComponent.getContentElementAndHTML(window, function(data){clearlyCallback(data, callback)});
} catch(e) {
Evernote.Logger.error(“Failed to find article by clearly due to error ” + e);
clearlyCallback(null, callback);
// If the page is big enough, clearly is excruciatingly slow. We’ll jsut get the whole page.
// @TODO: Maybe clearly can get faster.
else if (document.body.innerHTML.length > (1024 * 1024)) {
Evernote.Logger.warn(“Page over 1mb, skipping article detection.”);
clearlyCallback(null, callback);
else {
function findBiggestFrame() {
var frames = document.getElementsByTagName(“frame”);
var candidate = null;
var candidateSize = 0;
for (var i = 0; i candidateSize) {
candidate = frames[i];
candidateSize = area;
return candidate;
function getHostname() {
var match = document.location.href.match(/^.*?://(www.)?(.*?)(/|$)/);
if (match) {
return match[2];
return null;
function getDefaultArticle(callback) {
// Article already exists, so we’ll return it.
if (article) return article;
// Looks for selections in the current document and descendent (i)frames.
// Returns the *first* non-empty selection.
function getSelection() {
// First we check our main window and return a selection if that has one.
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection && selection.rangeCount && !selection.isCollapsed) {
return selection;
// Then we’ll try our frames and iframes.
var docs = [];
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName(“iframe”);
for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
var frames = document.getElementsByTagName("frame");
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
var urlBase = document.location.href.replace(/^(https?://.*?)/.*/i, "$1").toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
// If frames/iframes fail a same origin policy check, then they'll through annoying errors, and we wont be able
// to access them anyway, so we attempt to skip anything that wont match.
if (docs[i].src && docs[i].src.toLowerCase().substr(0, urlBase.length) !== urlBase) {
var doc = docs[i].contentDocument;
if (doc) {
var frameSelection = doc.getSelection();
if (frameSelection && frameSelection.rangeCount && !frameSelection.isCollapsed) {
selectionIsInFrame = true;
selectionFrameElement = docs[i];
return frameSelection;
else {
Evernote.Logger.warn("iframe contained no Document object.");
// Didn't find anything.
return null;
function getText(node, soFar, maxLen) {
if (node.nodeType == Evernote.Node.TEXT_NODE) {
var trimmed = node.textContent.trim().replace(/s+/g, " ");
if (trimmed === " " || trimmed === "") return soFar;
return soFar + " " + trimmed;
var banned = [
if (node.nodeType == Evernote.Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (Evernote.ArrayExtension.indexOf(banned, node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) == -1) {
for (var i = 0; i maxLen) {
return soFar;
return soFar;
function getRecommendationText() {
var text = “”;
var MAX_LEN = 5000;
var selection = getSelection();
if (selection) {
var df = selection.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents();
var div = document.createElement(“div”);
text = getText(div, “”, MAX_LEN);
else if (article) {
text = getText(article, “”, MAX_LEN);
else {
text = getText(document.body, “”, MAX_LEN);
text = document.title + ” ” + text;
return text;
// Note: you must call getSelection() first to populate this field!
function getSelectionFrame() {
return selectionFrameElement;
function checkClearly() {
var clearlyDoc = Evernote.ElementExtension.querySelector(“iframe#readable_iframe”);
if (clearlyDoc) clearlyDoc = clearlyDoc.contentDocument;
if (clearlyDoc) clearlyDoc = Evernote.ElementExtension.querySelector(“body#body div#box”, clearlyDoc);
if (clearlyDoc) {
article = clearlyDoc;
articleBoundingClientRect = Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(article);
// @TODO: This is fairly incomplete.
function getFavIconUrl() {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName(“link”);
var i;
for (i = 0; i // <![CDATA[
Evernote.Scroller = function Scroller( tab ) {
this.initialize( tab );
Evernote.Scroller.prototype.scrollTo = function ( endPoint, time, resolution ) {
this.endPoint = endPoint;
this.step = 0;
this.calculatePath( time, resolution );
var self = this;
this.proc = setInterval( function () {
if ( !self.doScroll() ) {
resolution );
Evernote.Scroller.prototype.calculatePath = function ( time, resolution ) {
this.path = [];
var sx = this.initialPoint.x;
var sy = this.initialPoint.y;
var ex = this.endPoint.x;
var ey = this.endPoint.y;
var k = (Math.PI * resolution) / time;
for ( var i = -(Math.PI / 2); i // <![CDATA[
function ContentPreview() {
Evernote.Logger.debug("Start creating preview box");
var contentVeil = new ContentVeil();
Evernote.Logger.debug("End creating preview box");
// Stores a reference to the last element that we used as a preview.
var previewElement = null;
var article = null;
function buildPreviewLegend() {
Evernote.Logger.debug("buildPreviewLegend: start");
var legend = document.createElement("div"); = "evernotePreviewLegend";
legend.className = "evernotePreviewLegend";
if(Evernote.Utils.isQuirkMode() || Evernote.BrowserDetection.isLessThanIE9()) {
legend.className += " quirk-mode";
legend.className += " evernote-preview-position-top";
legend.dir = "ltr"; // It ends up backwards on right-to-left pages otherwise.
var nudgeImgs = [
// Element class name Message identifier
["icon-arrow-up", { message: Evernote.Messages.EXPAND_SELECTION, image: "images/nudge-icons/nudge-icon-arrow-up.png"} ],
["icon-arrow-down", { message: Evernote.Messages.SHRINK_SELECTION, image: "images/nudge-icons/nudge-icon-arrow-down.png"}],
["icon-arrow-lr", { message: Evernote.Messages.MOVE_SELECTION, image: "images/nudge-icons/nudge-icon-arrow-lr.png"}],
["icon-return", { message: Evernote.Messages.CLIP_ARTICLE_HINT, image: "images/nudge-icons/nudge-icon-return.png"}]
var ul = document.createElement("UL");
Evernote.Logger.debug("buildPreviewLegend: populate container");
for (var i = 0; i < nudgeImgs.length; i++) {
var li = document.createElement("li");
if(i == nudgeImgs.length – 1)
li.className = "last";
var div = document.createElement("div");
var message = document.createTextNode(Evernote.Addin.getLocalizedMessage(nudgeImgs[i][1].message));
div.className = "keyIcon " + nudgeImgs[i][0];
Evernote.GlobalUtils.absolutizeImages(div, nudgeImgs[i][1].image);
var messageContainer = document.createElement("span");
var clearDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "both";
Evernote.Logger.debug("buildPreviewLegend: populate container end");
return legend;
function removePreviewLegend() {
if (Evernote.ElementExtension.hasParentNode(previewLegend)) {
function buildUrlElement() {
var urlEl = document.createElement("div"); = "evernotePreviewContainer";
var className = "evernotePreviewContainer evernotePreviewUrlContainer";
if(Evernote.Utils.isQuirkMode()) {
className += " evernote-middle-fixed-position-quirks"
urlEl.className = className;
return urlEl;
Evernote.Logger.debug("Build url element");
var urlElement = buildUrlElement();
function showUrlElement() {
Evernote.Logger.debug("ContentPreview: showUrlElement start");
if (!Evernote.ElementExtension.hasParentNode(urlElement)) {
// Make sure we're centered in the window.
var elStyle = Evernote.ElementExtension.getComputedStyle(urlElement, '');
var w = parseInt(Evernote.StyleElementExtension.getPropertyValue(elStyle, "width"));
var h = parseInt(Evernote.StyleElementExtension.getPropertyValue(elStyle, "height"));
if (w && h) { = (0 – w / 2) + "px"; = (0 – h / 2) + "px";
Evernote.Logger.debug("ContentPreview: showUrlElement end");
function hideUrlElement() {
if (Evernote.ElementExtension.hasParentNode(urlElement)) {
function previewUrl() {
previewElement = null;
var title = window.document.title;
var url = PageContext.url;
var favIconUrl =PageContext.getFavIconUrl();
urlElement.innerHTML = Evernote.GlobalUtils.createUrlClipContent(title, url, favIconUrl);
var element = Evernote.JQuery(urlElement);
if(Evernote.Utils.isQuirkMode() && !element.hasClass("evernote-fixed-position-fix")) {
Evernote.Utils.fixedPosition(window, element, function() {
var clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
var containerHeight = element.outerHeight();
return scrollTop + (clientHeight – containerHeight) / 2;
}, true);
// This doesn't remove internal state of previewElement, because another script may not have finished clipping until
// after the page looks 'clear'.
function clear() {
function _previewArticle (showHelp) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("Start previewing article element");
if (previewElement)
var selectionFrame;
if (typeof Evernote.pageInfo !== undefined) {
selectionFrame = Evernote.pageInfo.getSelectionFrame();
Evernote.Logger.debug("Selection frame selected " + selectionFrame);
if (selectionFrame) {
var rect = {
width: selectionFrame.width,
height: selectionFrame.height,
top: selectionFrame.offsetTop,
bottom: (selectionFrame.height + selectionFrame.offsetTop),
left: selectionFrame.offsetLeft,
right: (selectionFrame.width + selectionFrame.offsetLeft)
Evernote.Logger.debug("contentVeil.revealStaticRect " + rect);
contentVeil.revealStaticRect(contentVeil.expandRect(rect, -9), true);
Evernote.Logger.debug(" ");;
else {
contentVeil.outlineElement(previewElement, true);
if (showHelp) {
setTimeout(hidePreviewLegend, 6000);
else {
Evernote.Logger.warn("Couldn't find a preview element. We should switch to 'full page' mode.");
* Finds and preview article element.
* If reloadArticle is specified and equals to true, then discard previously found article and re-start search of article again.
* Otherwise use article found on previous call (if this is the first call then article will be searched anyway).
* @param reloadArticle
function previewArticle (reloadArticle) {
var showHelp = Evernote.Options.articleSelection == Evernote.ArticleSelectionOptions.ENABLED;
// When nudging the preview around the page, we want to skip nodes that aren't interesting. This includes empty
// nodes, containers that have identical contents to the already selected node, invisible nodes, etc.
// @TODO: There's a lot more we could probably add here.
function looksInteresting(candidate, given) {
if (!candidate) {
Evernote.Logger.warn("Can't determine if 'null' is interesting (it's probably not).");
return false;
// This is the parent of our 'HTML' tag, but has no tag itself. There's no reason it's ever more interesting than
// the HTML element.
if (candidate === window.document) {
return false;
//Disable clip of evernote main popup
if(Evernote.JQuery(candidate).closest("#evernote-content").length != 0) {
return false;
// We don't want to clip the clipper controls notification.
// @TODO: Probably want something similar for the content veil.
if (candidate === previewLegend) {
return false;
// Elements with neither text nor images are not interesting.
if (!candidate.textContent && (candidate.getElementsByTagName("img").length === 0)) {
return false;
// Elements with 0 area are not interesting.
var rect = Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(candidate);
if (!rect.width || !rect.height) {
return false;
// Invisible elements are not interesting.
var style = Evernote.ElementExtension.getComputedStyle(candidate);
if ((style.visibility === "hidden") || (style.display === "none")) {
return false;
// If the nodes have a parent/child relationship, then they're only interesting if their visible contents differ.
if (candidate.parentNode && given.parentNode) {
if ((candidate.parentNode == given) || (given.parentNode == candidate)) {
if ((candidate.textContent === given.textContent) &&
(candidate.getElementsByTagName("img").length === given.getElementsByTagName("img").length)) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns the current article element, which may not be the same as the auto-detected one if the user has 'nudged'
// the selection around the page.
function getArticleElement() {
return previewElement;
function nudgePreview(direction) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("nudgePreview start");
if (!previewElement) {
var oldPreview = previewElement;
Evernote.Logger.debug("nudgePreview: direction is " + direction);
Evernote.Logger.debug("nudgePreview: previewElement is " + previewElement.nodeName);
switch (direction) {
case "up":
var temp = previewElement.parentNode;
while (temp) {
if (looksInteresting(temp, previewElement)) {
// If we move up and then down, we want to move back to where we started, not the first child.
temp.enNudgeDescendToNode = previewElement;
previewElement = temp;
temp = temp.parentNode;
case "down":
Evernote.Logger.debug("nudgePreview: previewElement.enNudgeDescendToNode is " + previewElement.enNudgeDescendToNode);
if (previewElement.enNudgeDescendToNode)
var temp = previewElement.enNudgeDescendToNode;
// @TODO: make sure we clean these up somewhere else if we never reverse our nudging.
try {
delete previewElement.enNudgeDescendToNode;
} catch(e) {
previewElement.enNudgeDescendToNode = undefined;
previewElement = temp;
Evernote.Logger.debug("nudgePreview: previewElement.children.length = " + previewElement.children.length);
for (var i = 0; i < previewElement.children.length; i++) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("nudgePreview: checking child is " + previewElement.children[i].nodeName);
if (looksInteresting(previewElement.children[i], previewElement)) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("nudgePreview: found interesting child" + previewElement.children[i]);
previewElement = previewElement.children[i];
case "left":
var temp = previewElement.previousElementSibling;
while (temp) {
if (looksInteresting(temp, previewElement)) {
previewElement = temp;
temp = temp.previousElementSibling;
case "right":
var temp = previewElement.nextElementSibling;
while (temp) {
if (looksInteresting(temp, previewElement)) {
previewElement = temp;
temp = temp.nextElementSibling;
Evernote.Logger.warn("Unhandled nudge direction: " + direction);
// Drawing is expensive so don't bother if nothing changed.
if (oldPreview !== previewElement) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("nudgePreview: draw new element.");
contentVeil.outlineElement(previewElement, true);
function previewFullPage() {
var borderWidth = 10;
var w = Evernote.Utils.innerWidth();
var h = Evernote.Utils.innerHeight();
var rect = {
bottom: (h – borderWidth),
top: (borderWidth),
left: (borderWidth),
right: (w – borderWidth),
width: (w – (2 * borderWidth)),
height: (h – (2 * borderWidth))
// Creates the union of two rectangles, which is defined to be the smallest rectangle that contains both given
// rectangles.
function unionRectangles(rect1, rect2) {
var rect = {
top: (Math.min(,,
bottom: (Math.max(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom)),
left: (Math.min(rect1.left, rect2.left)),
right: (Math.max(rect1.right, rect2.right))
rect.width = rect.right – rect.left;
rect.height = rect.bottom –;
return rect;
// Returns true if the rectangles match, false otherwise.
function rectanglesEqual(rect1, rect2) {
if (!rect1 && !rect2) return true;
if (!rect1) return false;
if (!rect2) return false;
if ( != return false;
if (rect1.bottom != rect2.bottom) return false;
if (rect1.left != rect2.left) return false;
if (rect1.right != rect2.right) return false;
if (rect1.width != rect2.width) return false;
if (rect1.height != rect2.height) return false;
return true;
// If the user triple-clicks a paragraph, we will often get a selection that includes the next paragraph after the
// selected one, but only up to offset 0 in that paragraph. This causes the built in getBoundingClientRect to give a
// box that includes the whole trailing paragraph, even though none of it is actually selected. Instead, we'll build
// our own bounding rectangle that omits the trailing box.
// @TODO: Currently this computes a box that is *too big* if you pass it a range that doesn't have start and/or end
// offsets that are 0, because it will select the entire beginning and ending node, instead of jsut the selected
// portion.
function computeAlternateBoundingBox(range) {
// If the end of selection isn't at offset 0 into an element node (rather than a text node), then we just return the
// original matching rectangle.
if ((range.endOffset !== 0) ||
(range.endContainer && range.endContainer.nodeType !== Evernote.Node.ELEMENT_NODE) ||
( range.startContainer && range.startContainer && range.startContainer.getBoundingClientRect) ||
( range.endContainer && range.endContainer.getBoundingClientRect) ||
( range.commonAncestorContainer && range.commonAncestorContainer.getBoundingClientRect)
) {
var rect = Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(range);
if( == 0 && rect.bottom == 0 && rect.left == 0 && rect.right == 0) {
if(range.commonAncestorContainer && range.commonAncestorContainer.getBoundingClientRect) {
rect = range.commonAncestorContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
} else if(range.startContainer && range.startContainer.getBoundingClientRect) {
rect = range.startContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
} else if(range.endContainer && range.endContainer.getBoundingClientRect) {
rect = range.endContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
var mutableRect = {
bottom: rect.bottom,
left: rect.left,
right: rect.right,
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height
return mutableRect;
// This is the one we don't want.
var endElementRect = null;
try {
endElementRect = Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(range.endContainer);
catch(ex) {
Evernote.Logger.warn("Couldn't get a bounding client rect for our end element, maybe it's a text node.");
// We look for a rectangle matching our end element, and if we find it, we don't copy it to our list to keep.
// You'd think we could just grab the last element in range.getClientRects() here and trim that one, which might be
// true, but the spec makes no claim that these are returned in order, so I don't want to rely on that.
// We keep track if we remove a rectangle, as we're only trying to remove one for the trailnig element. If there are
// more than one matching rectangle, we want to keep all but one of them.
var foundEnd = false;
var keptRects = [];
var initialRects = range.getClientRects();
for (var i = 0; i < initialRects.length; i++) {
if (rectanglesEqual(endElementRect, initialRects[i]) && !foundEnd) {
foundEnd = true;
else {
// Now compute our new bounding box and return that.
if (keptRects.length == 0) return Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(range);
if (keptRects.length == 1) return keptRects[0];
var rect = keptRects[0];
for (var i = 1; i 1) {
newRect = unionRectangles(Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(element), rect);
if (element.children) {
for (var i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {
newRect = applyElementRect(element.children[i], newRect);
return newRect;
// In the case of positioned elements, a bounding box around an element doesn't necessarily contain its child
// elements, so we have this method to combine all of these into one bigger box. ContentVeil calls this function.
function computeDescendantBoundingBox(element) {
if (!element) return {top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, width: 0, height: 0};
return applyElementRect(element, Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(element));
function previewSelection(sel) {
var selection;
var selectionFrame;
if(sel) {
selection = sel;
else if (typeof Evernote.pageInfo !== undefined) {
selection = Evernote.pageInfo.getSelection();
// If our selection is in a frame or iframe, we'll compute an offset relative to that, so we need to adjust it by
// the offset of the frame.
selectionFrame = Evernote.pageInfo.getSelectionFrame();
var frameRect = null;
if (selectionFrame) {
frameRect = Evernote.ElementExtension.getBoundingClientRect(selectionFrame);
var range, rect, i;
// If !selection, then something has gone awry.
if (selection) {
// We attempt to highlight each selection, but this hasn't been tested for more than a single selection.
for (i = 0; i // // <![CDATA[
Evernote.ArrayExtension = {
indexOf : function(element, searchStr) {
if(!element) {
return -1;
if (element.indexOf)
return element.indexOf(searchStr);
for(var i = 0; i >> 0;
if (typeof fun != “function”)
throw new TypeError();
var res = [];
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i // <![CDATA[
Evernote.StyleElementExtension = {
getPropertyValue : function(styleObj, propertyName) {
var props = propertyName;
if(!(props instanceof Array)) {
props = [propertyName];
Evernote.Logger.debug("Evernote.StyleElementExtension.getPropertyValue: number of properties to check " + props.length);
for(var i = 0; i // <![CDATA[
Evernote.GlobalUtils = {};
var urlMatcher = /^(.*?)://((www.)?(.*?))(:d+)?(/.*?)(?.*)?$/;
var BAD_FAV_ICON_URLS = {"http://localhost/favicon.ico": true};
Evernote.GlobalUtils.absolutizeImages = function(element, path) {
if(path) {
Evernote.Utils.changeBackgroundImage(element, Evernote.Addin.getPath("resources") + path);
else if(element.attributes && element.attributes["background-image"]) {
Evernote.Utils.changeBackgroundImage(element, Evernote.Addin.getPath("resources") + element.attributes["background-image"].value);
Evernote.Logger.debug("absolutizeImages: walk through children");
for (var i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("absolutizeImages: end");
Evernote.GlobalUtils.localize = function(element) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("localize: Before lowercase");
Evernote.Logger.debug("localize: element " + element);
Evernote.Logger.debug("localize: element.nodeName " + element.nodeName);
var node = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
Evernote.Logger.debug("localize: after lowercase");
if (node == "input" || node == "textarea") {
var type = element.type;
if (node == "textarea") type = "textarea";
switch (element.type) {
case "text":
case "textarea":
case "button":
case "submit":
case "search":
if (element.attributes && element.attributes["placeholder"]) {
var localizedMessage = Evernote.Addin.getLocalizedMessage(Evernote.GlobalUtils.getMessageCode(element.attributes["placeholder"].value));
Evernote.Logger.debug("localizedMessage is " + localizedMessage);
if (localizedMessage) {
try {
element.attributes["placeholder"].value = localizedMessage;
} catch(e) {
var placeHolderAttr = document.createAttribute("placeholder");
placeHolderAttr.nodeValue = localizedMessage;
element.setAttribute("placeholder", localizedMessage);
if (element.attributes && element.attributes["message"]) {
var localizedMessage = Evernote.Addin.getLocalizedMessage(Evernote.GlobalUtils.getMessageCode(element.attributes["message"].value));
Evernote.Logger.debug("localizedMessage is " + localizedMessage);
if (localizedMessage) {
element.value = localizedMessage;
// unlocalizable.
case "checkbox":
case "password":
case "hidden":
throw new Error("We need to localize the value of input elements.");
else if (element.attributes && element.attributes["message"]) {
var localizedMessage = Evernote.Addin.getLocalizedMessage(Evernote.GlobalUtils.getMessageCode(element.attributes["message"].value));
if (localizedMessage) {
element.innerHTML = localizedMessage;
if (element.title){
var localizedTitle = Evernote.Addin.getLocalizedMessage(Evernote.GlobalUtils.getMessageCode(element.title));
if (localizedTitle) {
element.title = localizedTitle;
for (var i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {
Evernote.GlobalUtils.getQueryParams = function(url) {
var data = Evernote.GlobalUtils.componentizeUrl(url);
var queryString = data.queryString;
var params = {};
if (!queryString) {
return params;
queryString = queryString.substr(1); // Don't want the question mark.
queryString = queryString.split("#")[0]; // Get rid of any fragment identifier.
var pairs = queryString.split("&");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var item = pairs[i].split("=");
if (item[1]) {
item[1] = item[1].replace(/+/g, " ");
params[item[0].toLowerCase()] = item[1];
return params;
* Make selection of passed range in document.
* @param doc – DOM object
* @param range – selection range
selectRange : function(doc, range) {
if(doc.getSelection) {
else if (doc.selection && range) {;
* Creates copy of selection range only if it supports it, otherwise returns same range
* @param range – Range object
* @return {Range}
cloneRange : function(range) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("cloneRange: start");
if(range && range.cloneRange) {
return range.cloneRange();
if(range.duplicate) {
Evernote.Logger.debug("cloneRange: result = " + range.duplicate());
return range.duplicate();
return range;
* Checks whether selection is presented.
* @param win – window object that should be checked.
* @return true – if selection is presented, false otherwise.
hasSelection : function(win) {
Evernote.Logger.debug( "Utils.hasSelection()" );
var selectionFinder = new Evernote.SelectionFinder(win.document)
if ( selectionFinder.hasSelection() ) {
return true;
else {
selectionFinder.find( true );
return selectionFinder.hasSelection();
* Gets favicon url from the document (if any)
* @param doc – document to inspect.
* @return url to the favicon or null.
getFavIconUrl : function(doc) {
var links = doc.getElementsByTagName("link");
var i;
for (i = 0; i length) {
return (str.substring(0, length-3) + addition);
return str;
* Change new line symbol to html
newLineToBr : function(str) {
return str.replace(/(rn|n|r)/gm, ”
* Encodes html specific characters (, &, etc.) in specified string
* @param str – string to encode.
* @return new string with encoded characters.
htmlEncode : function( str ) {
var result = “”;
for ( var i = 0; i = 55296 )
result += aChar;
else if ( charcode > 0x7f ) {
result += “&#” + charcode + “;”;
else if ( aChar == ‘>’ ) {
result += “>”;
else if ( aChar == ‘<' ) {
result += "<";
else if ( aChar == '&' ) {
result += "&";
else {
result += str[ i ] ? str[ i ] : str.charAt(i);
getFontSizeInPixels : function(elementFontSize) {
function computedStyle(element, property){
var s = false;
s = window.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(property);
} else if(element.currentStyle){
var p = property.split('-');
var str = new String('');
for(var i = 0; i
format: function(str) {
var args = arguments;
return str.replace(/{(d+)}/g, function (m, n) { return args[(n | 0)+1]; });
fixIERangeObject : function(range,win) { //Only for IE8 and below.
win=win || window;
if(!range) return null;
if(!range.startContainer && win.document.selection) { //IE8 and below
var _findTextNode=function(parentElement,text) {
//Iterate through all the child text nodes and check for matches
//As we go through each text node keep removing the text value (substring) from the beginning of the text variable.
var container=null,offset=-1;
for(var node=parentElement.firstChild; node; node=node.nextSibling) {
if(node.nodeType==3) {//Text node
var find=node.nodeValue;
var pos=text.indexOf(find);
if(pos==0 && text!=find) { //text==find is a special case
} else {
offset=text.length-1; //Offset to the last character of text. text[text.length-1] will give the last character.
//Debug Message
return {node: container,offset: offset}; //nodeInfo
var rangeCopy1=range.duplicate(), rangeCopy2=range.duplicate(); //Create a copy
var rangeObj1=range.duplicate(), rangeObj2=range.duplicate(); //More copies 😛
rangeCopy1.collapse(true); //Go to beginning of the selection
rangeCopy1.moveEnd(‘character’,1); //Select only the first character
rangeCopy2.collapse(false); //Go to the end of the selection
rangeCopy2.moveStart(‘character’,-1); //Select only the last character
//Debug Message
// alert(rangeCopy1.text); //Should be the first character of the selection
var parentElement1=rangeCopy1.parentElement(), parentElement2=rangeCopy2.parentElement();
//If user clicks the input button without selecting text, then moveToElementText throws an error.
if(window.HTMLInputElement && (parentElement1 instanceof window.HTMLInputElement || parentElement2 instanceof HTMLInputElement)) {
return null;
rangeObj1.moveToElementText(parentElement1); //Select all text of parentElement
rangeObj1.setEndPoint(‘EndToEnd’,rangeCopy1); //Set end point to the first character of the ‘real’ selection
rangeObj2.setEndPoint(‘EndToEnd’,rangeCopy2); //Set end point to the last character of the ‘real’ selection
var text1=rangeObj1.text; //Now we get all text from parentElement’s first character upto the real selection’s first character
var text2=rangeObj2.text; //Here we get all text from parentElement’s first character upto the real selection’s last character
var nodeInfo1=_findTextNode(parentElement1,text1);
var nodeInfo2=_findTextNode(parentElement2,text2);
//Finally we are here
range.endOffset=nodeInfo2.offset+1; //End offset comes 1 position after the last character of selection.
return range;
Evernote.ClipRules.SELF_CLOSING_NODES = {
“IMG” : null,
//”INPUT” : null,
“BR” : null
// ]]>// <![CDATA[
* ClipStyle is a container for CSS styles. It is able to add and remove
* CSSStyleRules (and parse CSSRuleList's for rules), as well as
* CSSStyleDeclaration's and instances of itself.
* ClipStyle provides a mechanism to serialize itself via toString(), and
* reports its length via length property. It also provides a method to clone
* itself and expects to be manipulated via addStyle and removeStyle.
Evernote.ClipStyle = function ClipStyle( css, filterFn, styleList ) {
this.initialize( css, filterFn, styleList );
Evernote.ClipStyle.CSS_GROUP.getExtForStyle = function ( name ) {
var list = this[ name ];
var extList = [ ];
if ( list ) {
for ( var i = 0; i = 0 ) {
var tmp = list[ i ];
extList.push( tmp.replace( “+”, “” ) );
else {
extList.push( name + “-” + list[ i ] );
return extList;
Evernote.ClipStyle.prototype.toString = function () {
var str = "";
var stylesNames = this.getStylesNames();
for ( var i = 0; i 0 ) {
str += styleName + “:” + value + “;”;
return "“;
catch ( e ) {
Evernote.Logger.error( “VideoElementSerializer.serialize() failed: error = ” + e );
return “”;
// ]]>// <![CDATA[
* Serializes DOM element into an img pointing to the thumbnail of the video
* Video ids are used for obtaining thumbnails via
* These ids can be
* obtained from:
* - the URL of the document containing EMBED
* - iframe's src attribute that embeds the video via an iframe
* - src attribute of the embed object (though on actualy it's not possible)
if ( node && node.nodeType == Evernote.Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
if ( Evernote.ArrayExtension.indexOf(this.VIDEO_NODES, node.nodeName.toUpperCase() ) >= 0 ) {
return node;
else if ( Evernote.ArrayExtension.indexOf(this.POSSIBLE_CONTAINER_NODES, node.nodeName.toUpperCase() ) >= 0 ) {
try {
var it = node.ownerDocument.createNodeIterator( node, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, false );
var next = null;
while ( next = it.nextNode() ) {
if ( Evernote.ArrayExtension.indexOf(this.VIDEO_NODES, next.nodeName.toUpperCase() ) >= 0 ) {
return next;
} catch(e) {
//We ignore exception here, because if node iterator is not supported, than we could skip old pages (not Youtube).
return null;
if ( thumbUrl ) {
var styleStr = (this._nodeStyle instanceof Evernote.ClipStyle) ? ("style="" + this._nodeStyle.toString() + """) : "";
var attrs = this._node.attributes;
var attrStr = "";
for ( var i = 0; i this.constructor.DEFAULT_THUMB_WIDTH / this.constructor.DEFAULT_THUMB_HEIGHT ) {
imgAttrStr += “height=”” + h + “””;
else { // scale by width
imgAttrStr += “width=”” + w + “””;
getValue: function(val) {
if(typeof val != "string")
return val;
if(this.isCalculationRequired(val)) {
return Evernote.Utils.getFontSizeInPixels(val) + "px";
} else {
//Do not set browser dependant CSS since it does not supported by Evernote Chromium Viewer.
return null;
isCalculationRequired: function(val) {
for(var i = 0; i // // <![CDATA[
Evernote.NotebooksLoader = {
notebooks: [],
getNotebookByUid: function(uid) {
for(var i = 0; i // // // // // //
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